Ok - Hands Down - Kids Rule!

So, my step-cousins came to visit my mom and step-dad for the night last evening. They are 9 years old and 7 years old and probably two of the most adorable girls in the world. They were sweet enough to not bother me while I was studying and to take every opportunity to climb all over me, show me tricks and sing songs for me when ever I appeared to be taking a break. Needless to say, I got to do some of my ninja hi-kick competitions with two eager competitors and a remarkable 7-year-old hairdresser did my hair in a beauteous bun.
This morning, the nine-year-old came in to visit and share with me her journal for my reading pleasure. It was actually quite interesting. So, while I am perusing this work or staggering genius...Sam (my little cousin) says to me, "You are lucky."
I replied, "Oh yeah, why is that?"
"You have a really good education and a big house," she replied.
With a rather large grin, I respond, "Well, it is true that I have a good education, but this is my mom's house not mine."
"Well, you get to stay here sometimes."
"That is true. You are lucky too, Sam. Look how smart you are - you use all these big words and look at all the math you can do."
Sam says, "Well, I do have a large vocabulary (Now, I feel stupid for saying 'big words' - right?) and I am good at math but I do not want to be a scientist."
It is moments like these that I wonder how any minds form connections.
I say, "You don't have to be a scientist. What do you want to be?"
"Well, I don't want a job where I can get hurt. So, I don't want to be a fireman like my dad and I don't want to work in a store like the guy who got shot. I just want a peaceful job where I make a lot of money and I don't want any war. But I am just a kid"
"Well, Samantha - I have a feeling you may want the same thing at 30. That does not sound childish to me at all. In fact, I want that as well."
She smiles, "Well then, I know what you should do."
"Yeah - what?"
"You should go help old people and they could tip you. That is safe and nice and I know an older girl who does that and I think the tips are great."
Ahhh...kids...and you should have seen here journal and her thank you letter to the ocean. I remember writing stuff like that as a kid and - hell - even now. I guess an appreciation of nature is born young and either cultivated and enjoyed or not.
So the girls left and I find this note after about 6 hours of study (to get my peaceful - moneymaking job ;-))...I find this note, which says in part:
Dear whoever reads this,
I Samantha had a great time here. It's really nice or was to see Nicky. She's great (which is crossed out) awesome. Sarah likes her too but I think Shes shy. (Sarah Shy) (And ADD). I do beleave Nicky wanted to here a story here goes...
It goes on for two pages and it quite heart-warming. She wrote the shy and ADD stuff not me.
My point - sometimes all you need is a few minutes with a child and you will remember how lucky you really are and if you can't remember - don't worry - they will tell you.
Back to the books...and soon I will be in SF, with no job and no place to live, but with the bar exam under my belt and luck on my side.