Sticks and Stones

Monday, September 08, 2008

Still no drinks

Friday -

No drinks. Though i did help my friend Kev pick out a new bed. Then He and I and my beau headed to a bar and then to dinner. they drank, I did not. I did however try my first ever non-alcoholic beer. It was a St. Paulies girl beer. Spicy but good - sort of tasted like beer. I only had one, but it was certainly less weird to sit in a bar with that bottle than no drink. At dinner I had sparkling water. Other stuff happened but no drinking.

Saturday -

No drinks. I think I re-did my resume for the loan thing....or maybe that was yesterday. I was very very tired n Saturday and mostly chilled.

Sunday -

No drinks. Jeff and I made huge dinner of Pork tenderloin and mashed potatoes. I realized shallots hate me. In fact if a shallot dicer/mincer exists, I should really own one. Oh and I discovered Diet Hansen Soda in Black Cherry which has no calories but tastes fairly yummy.

Today (Monday) -
so far no drinks. I realized my bosses 50th b-day party will be the 22nd...and there will be tons of drinks. I have volunteered to make the cake as a drink diversion. What else? I did not go to the gym today, I am feeling tired. I have made a promise to myself to go Wednesday. And maybe tomorrow. I am very jealous of Kevin's new bed.

The weather is dreary looking - sort - of. that is all I got.


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