Sticks and Stones

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ahh the arid air

It is so dry in here, it is like the desert.

I really do not have much to report. I am still not drinking. Monday Jeff and I made some Mac and Cheese with prosciutto for dinner that was excellent!

Let's see, what changes have a noticed? Well an utter lack of hang overs. And I do seem to be getting more done, in fact, the loan assistance application is very near completion and was not abandoned because a drink with some friends was more inviting, so that is good.

I painted my nails last night....I haven't done that myself in years.

Otherwise, I weighed myself on Sunday - I think it was Sunday and nothing changed. I did assure this was the case by getting on an off the scale a number of times and wishing really hard for a lower number. I learned that if you kind of lean really hard on the scale it will give you an extra pound or so, uselessly, however; the scale will Not take back a pound or two if you try to imagine yourself floating, also useless.

I also have not gone to the gym this week which depressed me and makes me want to drink. Instead, I plan to pack a bag tonight in order to be ready to zoom zoom out the door this morning.

Jeff and I, mostly me due to Jeff's broken hand, will be making Chicken Marsala tonight...something I have never done - so that will be fun.



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