Sticks and Stones

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Perpetual Toil

Sometimes life seems to be perpetual toil or a period of I re-study to take an exam......I see how things seem quite cyclical and on-going. It seems to amaze me that anything ever gets done, any progress gets made......that there could ever be anything which one would note as change. However, there is and it is amazing - - be it suffrage or merely aging.

This is on my mind because I have no life right now - - so the most minute detail seems wildly interesting and distracting. Last night, I took a break from studying about corporations to have a little smoke break outside in the rain.....and was amazed by all the snails that love to arrive all over my neighborhood whenever it rains. Now they seem to be in perpetual toil.....but last night as I emerged from the house on my back......I noticed that their snail's pace looked like pure bliss. This may be the observation of a crazy lady - - hopped up on Sudafed and fed up with studying, but sliding slowly along the damp sidewalk seemed to be a perfectly wonderful adventure (last night).

I also think of the funny lives of most animals......when examined by my ever so keen eye. Exclude most domestic animals which we have somewhat humanized. Their lives seem to be all about doing and surviving and heavily weighted with burden. The snail carrying its house on its back, the lion hunting for food, etc. Yet perhaps the greater burden is carried by us.....this burden of analyzing and rationalized decisions....the hyper awareness of feelings and the ever awareness of our existence and the question of whether it is apathetic or not. Does the monkey become the man? And if so.......what is Man's destination?

Ok - that's all I got for crazy insight the land of earthquakes, oil, and amoeba......I am just happy to feel the music sometimes.


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