Sticks and Stones

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Paris in San Francisco

The weather today reminds me of so many brisk mornings in Paris that would then erupt into those silly but necessary moments of vying for a space on the metro. Man, I miss Paris - today and those apricot pastries.......oh what I wouldn't give for that yummy apricot pastry right now with the flaky crust and the fattening cheesy/buttery/sugary filling surrounding the apricot center.

Also - today I am really tired and realized that if one is really tired and one is me - one can sleep and walk. I walk about 5 blocks or so to catch the muni every morning if I have a temp. job and I realize this route is safe and quite residential; thus, if one - being me - is still tired on the way to work - those 10 minutes of walking can become a wonderful period of sleep-filled restfulness. This is accomplished by leaning ever so slightly backwards and making the backbone jut just over the calves - if you will. Then sort of center your gravity in your sounds odd but try it. You become sort of a human cradle - - cradling yourself and I guarantee a few minutes of zzzz'z will occur on the way to your destination. Just be careful of traffic and the like as no one else expects the somnambulists to be out and about at 7:30am.


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