Sticks and Stones

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Something sticky?

The air tastes strange like metal and I wonder what this could mean? The day is covered in that hot-cold that only a humid windy day in SF could bring...or maybe it is just the fact that the hot water in my apartment has stopped working again.
I should be mad about this...but I am not. I am grateful that I showered last night and this is not too much of an inconvenience. I am happy that it gave the excuse to go next door to my rental company and meet the ever smiling angels that reside there. One with the rise in her stomach that she unconsciously rubbed while explaining that it would all be resolved boiler...with a cheshire grin. On another day this response with its implied assumption that I should accept nearly three days without hot water as par for the course - would have irked me but not today.

This is why I am questioning what is in the air today? What is making the metal turn sour syllables into sugar? Is this a good sign or is it a calm before the storm or even merely the eye?


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