
When it is raining but none of the rain reaches the ground that precipitation is called virga. That is not the case here today. Today, it is raining ridiculous amounts though it is oddly warm which makes me a bit uneasy but excited. Another exciting factoid about rain is that it is said to be heavier right after a bolt of lightening. How do they measure these things?
Right now I am loving the rain – it seems oddly cleaning and comforting. Plus, the grey skies are kind of symbolic of how I feel. Somber – Sober – Serious. Last night I had the strangest dream – perhaps it was the weather forcing a self-cleansing (purging)? I dreamt of a bizarre situation involving dismemberment. It was perhaps too bizarre to repeat and I awoke with a start. I was: 1) glad that was not real and 2) dumbfounded as to what my sub-conscious was up to at the moment. I usually (like to make myself believe that I) understand what my sleeping self is rifling through to some extent, but since my life is quite mundane my dreams are becoming more vivid and bizarre.
I could chalk this up to stress and an outlet for all non-law related thoughts. I prefer to think of it as a purging of the past and of fear and thus, like the rain, a cleansing of the underbelly of my mind. But who knows really…rain is mysterious like the thoughts of the sub-conscious and our thoughts on such things (as with most things) are often slightly askew. For instance, did you know most rain drops are spherical…that tear drop shape that rain is oft depicted as – is really just water as it falls off surfaces – not as it falls out of the clouds.
So here is to the pensive, the elusive, the indefinable…rain.
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